Get real help finding a job and building a career

Looking for work, but don’t understand whether you are doing everything right? Or are you sure that everything is correct, but do not get the proper result?

Ask the experts a question - they will answer you for free and give valuable recommendations. There is no catch: everything happens within the framework of the Career Consultant project, where professional HR specialists give advice to HeadHunter users.

What questions can you ask?

How to write a resume. Find out what to focus on in the resume for the position you want to take.

How to write a cover letter. It directly depends on the cover letter whether the employer will look at your resume. A consultant will help you write a competent text.

How to successfully pass an interview. If you are worried before the interview and don’t know how to answer the tricky questions of recruiters, then ask the experts and go to a decisive meeting armed.

Questions on labor law. Work day too long? Doubtful reason for dismissal? Should work be paid on holidays? You will receive answers to all such questions here.

And these are not all the topics within which you can get free advice. Go to the Career Consultant project - perhaps the answers you need are already published.


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